Monsoon season has checked-in and doesn’t plan on checking-out until September 30. During this time, Arizonans may witness many different, unpredictable weather elements such as heavy rainfall and excessive winds. “Much of the area receives 40- to 50-percent of its annual precipitation during monsoon season” (National Weather Service).
Hazardous conditions, such as dust storms that limit visibility and flash floods, are quite common during this time as well.
The Arizona Department of Transportation has implemented a new system along a 10-mile stretch of I-10 to warn motorists of hazardous driving conditions. That system is, according to their website, the first of its kind. It includes visibility detectors, a weather radar system, variable speed limit signs, and other equipment to keep drivers safe.
The season officially begins June 15 and continues through September.
The monsoon season can leave the state’s asphalt roadways in disrepair. Road closures, delays, and uncomfortable rides are frequent following the season’s storms. It is often necessary for municipalities to invest in asphalt maintenance services, including repair and overlays, to restore highways and streets.
Asphalt Maintenance Services
Maintaining asphalt is essential for ensuring motorists experience a comfortable, quiet drive while traveling along the state’s many highways, interstates, or roads. It is also crucial to maintain your businesses’ parking lots since these are often the first thing visitors are going to see. Asphalt maintenance services include but are not limited to, preventing problems with overlays, and repairing issues at the first sign of trouble. The latter is especially important during and after the monsoon season.
Arizona’s Leading Asphalt Contractors
General contractors and municipalities have awarded a woman-owned asphalt and repair services company, L&L Asphalt, many projects of varying size and complexity throughout the Grand Canyon State. Our company offers permanent asphalt replacement, repair, and street widening services. Contact us today at (623) 434-1200 to schedule an appointment.
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