Today, cities and businesses have various asphalt mixes to choose from for asphalt pavement projects in the Valley. An overview of the most frequently applied materials – hot mix asphalt (HMA), cold mix asphalt (CMA), and warm mix asphalt (WMA) – follows. Because there are inherent advantages and disadvantages associated with each type, consulting with an experienced, licensed contractor is ideal.
Common Asphalt Mixes
Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA): This type is preferred for its performance, durability, motorist comfort, and minimal noise levels. According to the U.S. Highway Administration, it is used on most surfaced roads nationwide. It is composed of a substantial amount of aggregates bound together by asphalt cement. HMA is further characterized as dense-graded, opened-graded, or stone matrix.
Cold Mix Asphalt (CMA): Cold Mix Asphalt (CMA): Also known as cold mix bituminous (CMB) pavements, this is another type that may be used for specific projects, such as pavement repairs and sealing. That is especially true in the Valley’s colder months – between December and February – since heating the material is not required.
Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA): Warm asphalt mixes, much like CMA, extend the paving season. Compared to HMA, it cools much more slowly, allowing it to be applied in colder temperatures or even overnight. The addition of a water-based, organic, chemical, or hybrid additive makes this possible. WMA is also cost-effective and versatile, and when used with reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), sustainable.
Speak with an Asphalt Contractor Today
An asphalt contractor with experience installing new materials and correcting pavement issues in Arizona, L&L Asphalt Paving, can answer all your questions and provide you with information so that you may make an informed decision about asphalt mixes.
L&L Asphalt is a woman-owned and operated asphalt paving company that services businesses and municipalities throughout the greater Phoenix metropolitan area. Because our company is awarded hundreds of projects of varying size and complexity, we feel that we are the premier candidate to manage your asphalt pavement projects.
In addition to installing new and replacement pavement, we offer asphalt overlays. To schedule an appointment, please contact us at (623) 434-1200.
“Asphalt Pavement Recycling with Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP).” The U.S. Department of Transportation: Federal Highway Administration.
“Cold Mix Asphalt: An Overview.” ScienceDirect.
“HMA Pavement Mix Type Selection Guide.” The U.S. Department of Transportation: Federal Highway Administration.
“Warm Mix Asphalt.” The U.S. Department of Transportation: Federal Highway Administration.
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